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Harness the power of actionable insights, helping teachers make data-driven decisions for optimized student outcomes.


Automate routine tasks, from scheduling to follow-ups, ensuring teachers spend more time with students.

Schedule Management

Efficiently manage appointments, ensuring teachers and student/parents remain synchronized for productive consultations.


Turn conversations into text. Review, search, and share transcriptions for enhanced communication.

Engagement and Sentiments

TeleMeet's analytics reveal student engagement and satisfaction, guiding teachers to enhance their process.

Secure File Storage

Store and access critical documents securely, ensuring data integrity and availability.


Stay ahead with TeleMeet's compliance-driven features, ensuring every consultation meets industry regulations.

Why TeleMeet

Revenue Boost

Client Satisfaction

Operational Efficiency

Time Savings AI-driven processes

Personalized Engagement

Compliance Confidence 

Secure TeleHealth Sessions

AI-Enhance Care

TeleMeet Solution
Automated Scheduling & Attendance Tracking
Simplified Scheduling and Attendance Systems
Compliance with Educational Standards and Regulations
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Remote Learning and Engagement
Engagement & Interactive Tools
Accessibility Features (Captioning, Transcription)
Integration with Educational Tools
LMS Integration
Secure Communication
Compliance-Ready Security (2FA, Encryption)
Efficient Management of Educational Content
Secure Document Sharing & Management
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